NT scan

I'm back from the NT scan!  Everything looked great.  Baby was moving tons.  It was actually hard for the tech to get good pictures because it was moving so much!  They were not able to make a gender guess.  I had a dream a few weeks ago that it was a boy, but then today during the scan I started calling it she without even thinking.  She was being a little bit stubborn, and was curled up the whole time so it was hard to take a CRL measurement.  In her little ball, though, she was measuring 12w5d, which is 3 days behind, but they weren't concerned.  I go back Oct. 22 for the anatomy scan.  

My cold has gotten worse.  My nose just won't stop dripping!  The Dr. told me I could take sudafed, which hasn't really done anything.  I've been up since before 4am with the drippies, but was able to nap for an hour this afternoon.  Hopefully tonight will be better and I'll feel better tomorrow.  Thanks for the advice on what to do!  I'm gonna go pick a few lemons for some lemon juice for my tea!  

Here is a profile picture from today!


  1. Glad the scan went good. Hope you are feeling better soon. Doesn't sound fun.

  2. Yay for an ultrasound! Isn't it amazing how they already look like a proper baby at this stage? Hope your cold gets better soon!

  3. wowwwww you can see the little nose and everything! so precious. practically every teacher i know (including me) has a cold right now!!! a new school year, a new bunch of kids, a whole new crop of diseases for us to catch!

  4. CUTE little maybe-she baby! So amazing that they look like a real little tiny person already, isn't it?

    And, OMG so jealous: "I'm gonna go pick a few lemons for some lemon juice for my tea!"!!!!!!!

    Feel better soon.

  5. So happy everything is looking great! They always told me that measuring w/in a week was a-ok. Sorry about the cold...hope you feel better soon.


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