
This has been a week with a lot of good news!  I'm so excited for two of my Azoo sisters!

I've 'known' Alison since the early days of both of us TTC, about 2.5 years ago.  A few months after our azoospermia diagnosis, she and her husband were also faced with that horrible news.  After several IUIs, Alison finally got a BFP and had beautifully rising betas from her first IVF!  Go wish her congratulations!

I 'met' Lorza after we'd both had our azoo diagnosis, through ICLW I think.  She's been a great source of support and laughs as we both muddled through this crap.  After her 2nd (I think?) IUI, she got a BFP!!  Go send her your well wishes too!

After a long time trying and too many chemical pregnancies/miscarriages, Adrienne gave birth to her perfect, beautiful son last week.  Read about her incredible home birth and congratulate her on her perfect little miracle.

With the good, there is always some bad.  I'm so sad for Foxy, another azoo sister, who had her second IUI cycle cancelled because of ovarian cysts.  She is sad to wait until January to try again, but seems to have a great attitude about the whole thing-- with the help of some mimosas ;)  Go give her some love and support too.


  1. Thanks, Emmy!! I'm so excited, too!!!

  2. Awww Emmy thanks! I'm so excited for you, too! :D

  3. Thank you so much for my shout out! It was my second DIUI with femara. I appreciate your support so much also. I really don't know how I could have done this without u. (And kept my sanity)

  4. Great news! So glad to see my fellow Azoo sisters beating infertility!

  5. Azoo babies are the best babies in my opinion!!

  6. So many reasons to celebrate! I love Azooo babes!!! They really are little miracles. Alison and our Bumpy Queen Lorza are two of my most favorite ladies and have waited so long for their time to come.

    I toasted to them, and you too, this last weekend. It was actually really nice to stay in and sip mimosas for 5 days straight. Really amazing how a little oj and bubbly can ease all sorts of sadness. Thanks so much for the shout-out and for the love! My time will come too, right?

    xoxo - foxy


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