
I've been so bad at writing recently.  I haven't been posting here or on the message boards.  I've been bad at commenting, and I haven't been responding to emails.  I don't know what it is!  I have been reading and keeping up with all of you, though.  I'm going to try to be better.

I'm 22 weeks 3 days now!  I still don't feel like I am showing much, but I saw a video B took  from the weekend and was surprised.  To me, though, I think I just look fat again most of the time.  I'm feeling baby move often, which startles me and I love.

We just got back from a fun weekend camping by the beach.  The weather was beautiful with temperatures being in the mid 70's during the day and pretty reasonable at night.  We put an air mattress in our tent, so sleeping was nice and comfy.  The shower was so nice when I got home!

In baby news, I think we have a name!  Right now, the thought is that we will go with Juliet Elyse.  It may change, but we both really like it.  I still really want to get stuff done with the nursery, but it is hard as we've been pretty busy on the weekends.  B is refusing to paint the room, out of stubbornness.  We painted the whole house when we moved in 3 years ago, and he thinks that is sufficient.  I'd prefer for the walls not to be gray though!  I want to go with a light sage green.  We are doing purple bedding for the little miss and I think green can last a long time and goes with any other colors that she likes later.  I'd like to get stuff done in the room while I'm not too uncomfortable.

Speaking of uncomfortable, holy heartburn batman!  I am really glad to have preemptively purchased tums.  They were great to be able to pull out when it started.  Other than that, nothing to report!


  1. Good to hear from you! Happy you had a good camping trip. You are tougher than I, camping never crossed my mind while preggo =) Have fun getting the nursery set up, I did that in 2T and it was so exciting to put more touches on it as time went on. Sorry about the HB, at least you're getting your calcium from the tums ;-)

  2. I love Juliet Elyse!! SO pretty and feminine!!

    Too funny about B being stubborn about painting the nursery, hehe.

    And sorry about the heartburn! It hit me at 24 weeks, so pretty close. Once I changed my diet a little bit it was a lot better though. Hopefully you'll find something that works for you or it just plain goes away!!

  3. Love the name!! So pretty.

    Good to hear from you! Now, if we could just SEE YOU it would be even better... pretty please? Belly pic?? Just one?

    (okay I officially promise this will be the last belly pic plea from me ;)

  4. Names are so much fun. We are just starting iui cycle #2 and chose girl and by names this weekend. It makes it all feel so real and hopeful!

    Hey - I've been thinking about your mommy pig and those cute little babes - will they let you hold them yet? I'd love to see some more picture of them - i"ll bet they grow big real fast!

    Also, I wrote my pen and paper challenge post a while back, but got grumpy and anti-social for a while afterwards. I am just now following thru on asking for contact info of my favorite bloggers so that I can send you a little something, if you are comfortable sharing you can email me direct at foxypopcorn@gmai.com.

    Take care!
    xoxo - Foxy


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