2 years

Today marks 2 years since we got our heart breaking azoospermia diagnosis.  It's a hard day to forget, especially since it was a fitting kick off to 2009.  It was quite the crappy start to quite the crappy year.  2009 is a year I'd really like to forget, and just thinking about everything that happened still makes me cry.  I had just barely started this blog when we found out, but I am so glad that I did.  The support you have given me through the past two years is amazing, and I don't think I would have made it without you.  I've learned so much from all of you.  You have truly helped me get to where I am now.  I only hope that I can be there for you like you've been there for me.

Never in a million years did I think I'd be sitting here two years later feeling a baby kick my bladder.  It took us a lot to get here, and I'm so grateful that 2010 was so much kinder to us than 2009.  2011 looks to have so much potential to be even better than 2010, but with that comes potential for disaster.  I'm still so apprehensive about this pregnancy.  It still seems too good to be true.  I feel like I will wake up and find that this is only a dream.  

If all goes well, I'll have a real live baby in about 11 weeks.  Seems too good to be true, doesn't it?  

I truly hope that 2011 makes all of your dreams come true, whatever they may be.  I hope the crap is all behind us and that there is nowhere to go but upward towards great things.  I wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.  May 2011 exceed all of our expectations.  


  1. It is so hard to look back at the difficult journey to get to where you are. But I just know in 11 weeks when you look into precious eyes of your little one your heart will feel a rush of joy and you will know every stop of the journey was worth it =) Happy 2011 my friend!

  2. 11 weeks?!?! Wow!

    I can't imagine getting the azoo diagnoses on New Year's Eve. I'm so sorry.

    You are going to have a truly wonderful 2011. You're going to be so happy, and tired, and pinching yourself every single day.

  3. Our 1 year is coming up on Jan 19th. BOO!

    Hope your 2011 is excellent!!

  4. I know what you mean about the potential for disaster - that comes with anything THIS amazing and special. I feel that way a lot when I think of Eliza and how happy and lucky I am to have her... but we carry on! I can't wait to see that beautiful girl in your arms in only 11 or so weeks!!!

    Happy new year Emmy!

  5. Wow, 11 weeks from now!!! That is exciting. The scars of azoo will remain, but the pain will get dull.

  6. You WILL get a real live baby in 11 weeks! :) I can see how it might feel unreal to you or too good to be true... but it's happening, and your life will change forever (and for better no doubt). 2011 will be a great year for you!


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