an update

I've gotten so bad at updating this!  There just hasn't been much going on!

I'm almost 28 weeks, and everything is going well.  Juliet is growing well and now has an estimated weight of 2 pounds 3 ounces.  She is still head up and likes to roll around.  I saw her do it today on ultrasound, and it really makes what I've been feeling make more sense!  I could tell that she was head up, but knowing that she flips sides makes the kicks make sense.  She is stubborn and would not do anything the ultrasound tech or peri wanted her to do today to get measurements.  They tried to get a good shot of her face, but she wouldn't move her hand out from in front of it.  Hopefully she'll flip on her own soon, but if the stubbornness continues, I doubt it.  

Other than a cold I have recently come down with, I am feeling pretty good.  I get the heart burn/ acid reflux almost everyday, but it isn't horrendous.  My feet are getting really tired by the end of the day, especially after a day of teaching, so it is hard to run errands and do things that I typically do after work.  Today, I tutored, went to the doctor, and did a big load of grocery shopping, and was pretty much spent by the end of that, although I know being sick is a factor too.  I think it is going to be hard to go back to work in January.  I have at most 10 more weeks of work, which just seems crazy to me!  

We can see her move from the outside a lot, which is nuts.  She is also awake and moving a lot more now.  

At almost 28 weeks, my total weight gain is 15 pounds.  I was hoping to top out around 20, but I don't know now.  Hopefully no more than 25, which I think is reasonable.  I just need to not be a pig at Christmas!

Here is today's picture of her!  It's amazing how in love I am with her.  This picture makes it so much more real to me.  So crazy!


  1. So good to hear an update from you! Juliet is already so beautiful!! I love the u/s photo. Can't believe you are already 28 weeks!

  2. Beautiful picture of Juliet!!! Happy you've been doing well, hope the cold goes away soon though.

  3. Such a sweet precious pic of little Juliet:)


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