kidney update
If you haven't read the last post about the kidney, go get the whole story . The good news is that this week's kidney tests came back about the same as the ones last week, so it is stable. It isn't getting better, but it is not getting worse. Baby is doing just fine and my kidney is doing its job, so no real harm is being done. The bad news is that it still hurts-- a lot at times. If the pain continues or kidney function decreases, baby will likely come early. I can't fathom 9 more weeks of this pain (taking me to 42 weeks), but 5 or 6 weeks doesn't seem as overwhelming. Dr. said that pregnancy isn't easy on my lone kidney and that if I continue to be in pain, he's comfortable inducing after 38 weeks, although it will increase my risk for a c-section. I'm fine to keep working and am hoping to work until the end of February. Those are my plans... who knows what this little one's plans are though! I've been noticing braxton-...