Final Countdown

9 weeks left till D-day, 7 more weeks of work.

I'm visiting the doctor every 2 weeks now, and in the past two weeks, I've gone from measuring a little small to a little big.  She has been measuring within the normal range, though a wee bit on the smaller side at the past two appointments with the Peri.  Yesterday, Dr. decided that he wanted take a peek at baby.  She was moving around a ton, like always.  The one thing that the Dr. did notice was that there seemed to be a bit more amniotic fluid than normal, which would explain the measuring bigger part.  Dr. will most likely take another peek in two weeks, if I am still measuring big, to check on the fluid level.  If it still seems high, I'll likely have to go back to the peri to get it measured, and then perhaps go in for non-stress tests.  

Other than that, everything is going well.  I am certainly getting more tired and uncomfortable as each day passes.  I look forward to weekends when I can go back to sleep after my 5 am pee break.  I'm working and tutoring a lot, which is wearing me out.  Hopefully I'll make it back to the grocery store one of these days!  


  1. WOOHOOO!!! Congrats on the final countdown. :) I hope it all goes easily and not too stressful for you. :)

  2. Happy everything is progressing along well! It's nice you're getting an extra peek here and there =)

  3. Glad to hear from you & that everything is going well. Enjoy the final weeks!

  4. YAY, it's the final countdown already! I can't wait to meet her, and to see you as a mama!!!


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