35 weeks!

I'm now 35 weeks!  Only 2 weeks till baby is considered full term and 5 weeks till due date.  12 more days of work, including today.  

I am certainly at that uncomfortable part of pregnancy!  I'm up using the bathroom at least 2 times in the night and I wake up to roll over all the time.  Getting up and down is getting harder and harder!  The newest symptom to come up is foot/ankle swelling.  The doctor was a little concerned about my caveman like feet and said that if this continues, it might be my body's way of telling me to stop working.  I am going to try really keeping my feet up at work more and try standing less.  I really can't afford to go out before the end of Feb., but I guess I'll make it work if I have to.  

Kidney function was checked again this week.  Still holding stable.  Urologist was quite pleased.  I'll go have more blood work in 2 weeks and if all is well with that and I don't start feeling worse, I won't see the urologist again until after baby is out.  

I went to get a massage yesterday.  It was quite lovely!  I wish I had the money to get them weekly!  I am a little bit sore today from it, but it's a good sore!  

Baby seems to be moving her way down, as I'm feeling more and more pressure down low.  I can't believe we get to meet her so soon!  It is feeling more and more like this really might happen!  


  1. Wow! I cant believe you are so close to full term! Time has flown by!

  2. So exciting that full term is only two weeks away! It's great that your kidney function is still hanging in there. Sorry about the swollen feet, hopefully they don't get worse and you can continue with your work to the end of Feb plan.

  3. dang, that felt quick! well, i'm sure it didn't feel quick for you! so glad to hear that everything is going well.

  4. You are almost there!!! I feel for you with the peeing in the middle of the night...that gets annoying. Take it easy these last few weeks!!

  5. you are sooo close. It's awesome. I'm sorry about the edema... it sucks no matter when or why it happens. I hope that you can make it through to the end of February at work, I want you to have all the best.

  6. Yeah! Your little one is almost fully cooked! I just caught up on your kidney saga--how scary! I'm glad that appears to be stable for the moment.

    Take it easy when you can and put those feet up mama!


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