
I have been away from blogging for a little bit.  Aside from the little cutie, we have been busy!  We found out a few weeks ago that B's company is relocating this summer and we either go or B is out of a job.  I got a pink slip again this year and the chance of rehire is looking slim (yay California budget) so it makes sense to move.  All of our family lives within an hour of us now and we bought our house thinking we would be there a long long time so this is really hard.  We will be moving to a different state and will be a full day's car ride away.  Prepping for this decision has been stressing us out and keeping us busy. There are not many jobs in B's industry around us, but he did get another offer from a big name company in Seattle. Still a big move.

The little cutie is doing great though.   She was phenomenal on her first plane ride and through an entire day of house hunting in new city.   She smiles,  especially when we call her a little cutie.  She coos and has little conversations with us and can hold her head up really well.  It has been awesome to see her grow and change.  She often brings tears to my eyes when I look at her and think about the past three years.

This ordeal and reading through niaw posts has really made me grateful for all that I've been given.   In honor of that, I decided to do a little giveaway.  I'm not sure of the prize yet, but I'm thinking!

My little cutie will be 2 months old on Tuesday!   Whoever guesses her current weight and length closest wins.

Some info for you:
Birth : 7 pounds 7 ounces, 20"
4 days : 6 pounds 8 ounces
5 weeks : 8 pounds 7 ounces, 21"

We go to the pediatrician on Wednesday, so you have until 5pm pacific daylight time on that day to guess.  Good luck!


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