Once you do IVF and have a baby, you'll get pregnant

There are so many infertility myths, but this one has been coming up a lot for me recently.  This one is similar to the, "As soon as you adopt, you'll get pregnant" myth.  

Sure, people do adopt and get pregnant and people also get pregnant on their own after IVF, but that is certainly not the majority of cases.  Nor will it be the case for us.

My OBs are even guilty of spreading this one.  They (husband and wife team) had to use IVF to get pregnant the first time and they did miraculously get pregnant on their own soon after.  A few times during my pregnancy, one of them would ask how many kids we were hoping for, or make a comment about postpartum birth control.  I always said that we have no need for birth control and they would respond, "You never know what might happen!"  Um, yes I do.  A surgery exploring my husband's testicles couldn't find a viable sperm to use.  I don't think we will magically get pregnant.  And if we do, which really would take Harry Potter-ish wizardry, we will gladly take it.

Having a baby does not cure infertility-- in the physical or emotional sense.  Just because I had one baby, doesn't mean I'll be able to have another.  I won't find myself mysteriously pregnant-- it will take doctors and money to even have a chance.  The emotional side of infertility hasn't gone away with my pregnancy weight either.  I'm still jealous when I hear of others getting pregnant or have friends having their 2nd or 3rd kid in the time we've been trying.  It still stings and hurts. 

It's National Infertility Awareness Week. Infertility affects 1 out of every 8 couples. Find out how you can participate and provide support to 7.3 million people living with this disease:www.resolve.org/takecharge. This post is part of the Bust a Myth Bloggers Unite project.


  1. Thank you for your post for NIAW. My dentist said those very words to me just today! He knew we did IVF and said he knew "so many people who got pregnant with #2 easily after IVF." It makes it tough not to get your hopes up after hearing something like that and yet we know all too well that things don't always go as we would like.

  2. Hi Emmy! Nice to see everyone come out for NIAW. Great post. I went to my first prenatal yoga class tonight, crazy I know, and it was so hard to hear the other ladies tailing about this being their second or third like it was no big deal. But the really cool thing was that there was another lady in the class who also struggled with infertility for five years that followed me out and exchanged phone numbers.

    I hope that you are enjoying your little one and will share some stories with us soon :)

  3. I feel the same way. When people ask if we'll have another I just say "if we're lucky enough to be able to". {{{HUGS}}}

  4. Nice post!
    As a fellow Azoo girl I understand. Everytime someone says that to me I want to scream "No Sperm".

  5. Great post, Emmy. I hate when people spout that crap like they know what they are talking about, or think it will make someone feel better.

    I hope everything is going well!!

  6. Great post! I too am guilty of thinking it might be possible. I tried naturally without success after 3 IVF cycles gave me my daughter. Sadly, we had to do another 3 cycles (with a LOT of heartache) to get pregnant with my twins. I just wrote a similar myth about not being infertile anymore after you're a mom.
    I wanted to congratulate you on your baby! I would love to feature your success story on my blog. Here's the link: http://stressfreeinfertilityblog.com/2010/01/17/calling-all-success-stories/
    Thanks so much in advance!

  7. in this life you leave to remember some helpers , as for me i will forever remember and be grateful to ashra spell temple,(ashraspelltemple@gmail.com) i have been

    married for more than 13years with no child, i have done all that is needed to be done ,visited hospitals and fertility clinic and so many other herbalist, but no

    result , until i was told by a good Samaritan of ashra of spell temple . i tried and i ashra told me to do a cleanse and pregnancy spell that i will have to buy the

    items that will be used to do the spell, i though it was scam and so i refuse to send any money or buy the items that i was ask to buy here, and when my ivf failed me

    , i almost committed suicide ,because there was nothing i was leaving for , then i just said let me give ashra a try after all i was down and i didnt have any other

    hope , i did buy the items and a cleanse and pregnancy spell was done , to my greatest surprise , i didnt even notice i was pregnant until i was feeling dizzy and went

    for check up , lol am 18weeks pregnant and the doctor said am doing fine , my advice to others is never give up until you have contacted ashra and ashra is legit and a

    leaving witness ,
    i will leave ashra spell temple contact address fpr any one to verify and also get help
    mobile no:+2348058176311
    name:ashra spell temple



  8. My name is Camille bruno Valdez my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; arewaspecialisttemple@yahoo.com for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will either conceive in February 2014 or March 2014,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Dr Dahiru, Because his pregnancy spell cast put us at ease, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: arewaspecialisttemple@yahoo.com if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine.


  9. Stella David Glory be to God finally i am pregnant after 5years of marriage,i was devastated and frustrated thinking i will never get pregnant again but after the help of Alisha Lura i got pregnant and now just put to birth . i want to appreciate Mama Alisha Lura for the help of making me pregnant again after all the pains i pass through with the family of my husband but thank God today we both live together happily thanks once again : getyourexbacksolutionspell@gmail.com or you can visit her website on http://weeblyalishaluraspell.weebly.com/available-spells.html


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