2 month update

My little cutie is 2 months old!  Time really flies!  She got her first set of shots today and has been a crabby cupcake ever since.  She has been super sleepy and is quite bothered by the slightest thing.  Her cry is different and she just seems uncomfortable/in pain.  I feel so badly for her!  She seems to be doing a little better right now though and actually smiled at me again.  

She is smiling lots and starting to imitate faces we make at her.  She has even chuckled a few times.  She's getting good at holding her head up during tummy time, though she doesn't always like it!  She is batting at the toys on her play mat and her mobile.  She's doing great.  

In my last post, I mentioned a giveaway to the person who guessed the little one's height and weight the closest.  I had this whole way to calculate who was closest, but with only three entries, and someone guessing SO close, there is no need for that.  

Our winner got the length exactly and was only one ounce off!  

Caryn at someday-soon guessed 9 pounds 14 ounces and 22.5 inches.  The little cutie was 9 pounds 13 ounces and 22.5 inches.  Great job!  Way to guess!  Send me an email at emmymay733 @ gmail and I'll send you a $10 gift certificate to Amazon.  

We are looking forward to our first mother's day!


  1. She is ADORABLE!!!!!!!! What a cutie!

  2. So happy your little angle is doing great! It's so fun when they start smiling, laughing and batting around toys.

    FUN that I was so close on the weight and on with the height =) Please, please, please, use the $10 on Amazon to buy your little girl a cute little toy or outfit!

  3. She is so adorable!! Such a big smile! :D


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