it's been a while...

I don't seem to find the time to blog anymore.  There is a lot I don't seem to find the time to do!!

Aside from the three month old, we've been busy.  We are moving about 400 miles away in a month!  B's work is moving there, so we are going.  The cost of living is a lot lower in our new city than it is in our LA suburb, so I'll get to stay home with the little one for at least another year!!  That is the only thing that is making me okay with this move.  We are renting out our house and are in escrow on one in the new city.  We had a whirlwind trip there last week and dealt with the whole house and financing thing.  Since I started this post this morning, we may have found renters for our house!  Hopefully we'll find out soon if they want it.  It would be nice to cross that off of the list!!

The little one is doing great!  I weighed her on my scale today, and she was 12 pounds, 4 ounces!  I tried to measure her length, and got almost 24 inches-- just a smidgen short of it.  She holds her head up really well now.  She still isn't really grabbing at toys and things but looks like she is thinking about it.  She's rolled over from tummy to back a few times, but doesn't do it with any regularity--  in fact, I think it's accidental!  She likes to roll from her back to her side, but that is nothing new.  She's laughing a little bit too!  My little girl is already getting so big!  


  1. So glad to hear you are all doing well! Good luck with the move.

  2. Happy things for the move are getting all set up. It sounds like your little girl is doing great...rolling over was accidental for my little one at first too =)

  3. What a busy time! It's been a month since I posted anything and we've just been baby-wrangling over here, not moving, too! Congrats on the new arrangement!

  4. Glad to know you are doing good, and yay for getting to stay home!!!


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