Getting Settled

We have moved into the new house and are getting settled.  We've made some good progress on our boxes, but still have a lot to go.  This house has a huge storage shortage, despite ample space for it.  So, we've had to buy storage cabinets and shelves and still need to put a pantry in the kitchen.  The problem is, we are out of money!  I've never had such high credit card balance and no money in savings to cover it and no income.  This is really hard for me.  I know in a few months, after the major moving expenses are dealt with I'll feel better.  Right now, though, I feel like I should be working and bringing in a pay check.  If you have any money-making ideas for me, I'd love to hear them!  This is really stressing me out!

Juliet is now an expert sitter and is trying to crawl but moves backwards!  It's funny to watch.  She still hasn't cut a tooth, and either has her first cold right now or has a runny nose and 100.7 degree temperature from teeth.  Thoughts?  I still haven't found a new pediatrician for her, but will do that tomorrow.  I'm thinking of going the family doctor way, but not sure.  Anyone have any thoughts?

To finish off with a smile, here is my little sweet pea cracking up at a dog puppet!


  1. Ohmigosh, cutest video ever! Congrats on the move! I know money stuff is stressful but it always works out. Hang in there!

  2. Her laugh is totally infectious! Happy the move is over and you're making unpacking progress. Is there anything you could make and sell on ebay or craisglist? Hope the money worries ease soon...

  3. OMG her laugh is so cute!!!! Like the nerdy onesie too ;) I hope your financial issues work out soon. I agree with PP, maybe selling from home would be the best pay to get a little more income while you are staying home with Juliet :)

  4. Oh my goodness! That video is so so cute!!

  5. Seriously your babe is ADORABLE and her laugh can't help but make me smile :)

    Congrats on the new place. Moving is always stressful, so I can only guess that there is added anxiety about money when you are not working. I'm sure that it will all settle down soon.

    Good luck finding some work from home ideas, I know that they are out there, let us know what you find!


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