
I can't believe that it's been two months since I've posted!  We've been pretty busy, but really, who isn't.  I've been a bad blog friend and have not been commenting recently.  I still read everything, but have not been leaving comments, and I'm sorry!  I'll try to do better!

My sweet little cutie will be 8 months old this week.  She is doing well.  She was super close to crawling and sort of quit a few weeks ago.  Now she is trying to pull herself up (which she sometimes succeeds at) and stand.  She would much rather be upright than in any position.  She will also walk holding on to fingers if there is something she is motivated to get.  She gets really frustrated and screams quite loudly when she can't figure out how to get what she wants.  As much as it is nice to have a baby who doesn't move around too much on her own, I would really like for her to figure out how to crawl so she can get what she wants and become more independent.

We are doing Baby Led Weaning, and it is going great.  She loves all different kinds of foods, and has not really refused anything we've given her.  She's a great little eater and is growing well.  She impresses people with her eating everywhere we go.  In fact, this afternoon, we were having lunch at a deli, and I gave her a piece of pastrami from my sandwich.  She loved it!  The manager came around to check on things and wants to use her in one of their ads-- eating pastrami and a pickle!  We move out of LA and she gets her first modeling gig.  Ha!

We've transitioned from cosleeping to her in her crib.  The amount and quality of our sleep was declining, so at 6.5 months, we made the transition.  It went better than I ever could have imagined.  We put her down around 8pm.  Sometimes she sleeps until 7am and sometimes she wakes in the 5 o'clock hour and wants to eat.  Then she'll go back to sleep until 7:30-8am.  Naps have been a struggle, but we're working on it.  I have finally gotten her to nap in her crib, but she doesn't stay asleep too long.  If I lie down with her in bed, she'll sleep for 2 hours!

Hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!  J is going to be dressed in a flower costume.


  1. I'm so happy that everything is going so well!!!! Our lives have certainly changed, huh?! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I miss reading your posts but I was so happy to see an update here. Do you miss your job? I don't :)

  2. Sounds like she is doing great =) Good to hear from you!

  3. That's a really lovely update! She is doing so well. How cool about the pastrami ad!
    I hope you have settled in ok at the new place now? I'm a "bad blogger" too so I don't mind the gap between posts, but I love reading how everything's going with you and your little family!


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