What to do?

I've sort of struggled with blogging since I got pregnant.  It was easy to write about infertility-- it seemed like there was often a lot going on.  Now that we have crossed to the other side, it's harder for me to compose a post about my daughter on my infertility blog.  My computer time has also been rather limited with a mobile 10 month old who has been refusing to nap for more than 30 minutes unless I lay down with her.  

I'm thinking of an Extreme Blog Makeover.  Maybe including a new title.  Perhaps that will give me some motivation and inspiration.  

Then there's the issue of what to write about. I don't know.  I have some grand ideas, but am having trouble with the follow through.  

For now, the little monster is doing great.  She's generally happy and loves most things.  It seems like she figures something new out each day.  She is such a little love, and I can't believe there are less than 6 weeks till her birthday.  We're still thinking of a dIUI in a little less than a year and a half.  

So, there's the quick and dirty of life in my little corner of the world.  


  1. I'm having the same problem and have even considered just shutting it down. Hope you figure it out!


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