A New Name

I've wanted to change it up around here, and I hope I don't throw you off.  Yes, We're one of THOSE Couples is now Other Side of the Rainbow.  I was never thrilled with the original title, but stuck with it.  Now that we've crossed over, it seems fitting. 

I still hope to mess around with the layout/design a little bit.  Hopefully I'll come up with something soon!  Thanks for sticking with me!

In other news, I figured out how I can be in two different blogger accounts at the same time, which has helped me to start commenting again!  I'm on one account in internet explorer, and another in chrome! 


  1. I hope this means you will be blogging more again.

  2. I think the new name is great =) Happy you found a way around the commenting issues, what a pain!

  3. Yahoo! A new name befitting your journey thus far. :) Hope to see more posts on how you and your ALMOST ONE YEAR OLD (eek!) are doing!

  4. Well, scratch the "ALMOST" in my last comment - I just realized she turned one this past weekend! Congrats! :)


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