It's Go Time!

I'm in what will *hopefully* be my first and only IUI cycle.  It feels weird to be doing all of this from a distance.  I will get baseline monitoring on Monday and move forward from there.  

I'm not particularly optimistic for this cycle, nor am I pessimistic.  I know it only has around a 20% chance of success at best.  Part of me feels so ambivalent about this.  I suppose I'm trying to protect myself emotionally.  If this cycle doesn't work, I'll go SCUBA diving and drink mai tais in Honolulu right after my period stops.  If we do get lucky, I'll happily abstain from the diving and drinks and enjoy my 7 days in paradise.  

I hope to be better about updating as we move through this cycle!  


  1. I understand your feelings about the cycle... it's just SO different when you already have a little one at home. Pregnancy is, too. You just don't have the "luxury" or being obsessive like you can be the first time around.

    I have my fingers crossed for you!

  2. Wishing you TONS of luck!!! Hope this is a very lucky month =)

  3. I'm SO excited for you, Emmy! Fingers crossed it happens soon - hopefully first time around!


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