One Decision Down

Our donor went in to make another donation for us, and the freeze/thaw test was bad.  Really bad.  The sample went from 32 million to 1.7 million, which isn't even worth the IUI.  The doctor asked if we would be able to have a fresh donation the day of IUI so that the numbers can stay good.  For that to happen, we will be travelling for the IUI.  The little one and I will be driving the 6 hours back "home" to do this.  

Meds have been ordered.  I'll be on 100mg of Clomid +3 days of 150iu GonalF, trigger, then hopefully back to back IUIs.  (I don't know that donor will be able/willing to come in two consecutive days).  I'm expecting AF in about a week.  I can't believe we are here already.  If it doesn't work, we will try again in September.  

I'm still nursing.  Since my previous post, the Little Cutie has finally taken to drinking another kind of milk.  That makes me feel so much better about the potential of drying up when I start meds.  I've been trying to get her to take her other milk when she wants to nurse, and sometimes she goes for it and others not so much.  I'm not pushing it at all.  

I'm getting so anxious for this cycle.  Trying to be cautiously optimistic.  I know the chances of success aren't great, but it's hard not to hope.


  1. Crappy about the freeze/thaw test, but at least you have the option of using a fresh sample! And on the bright side, the decision on whether to travel or not has been made for you:) Is that a bright side??

  2. Sorry about the low amount of sperm...hopefully the fresh sample works much better. Wishing you tons and tons of luck!

    Happy your LO has taken to another kind of milk, that has to be a huge relief =)

  3. Eek! Can't believe it's here already... I can't help but hope for you, too :)

    And yay for the girl taking another kind of milk! Took awhile for mine to do that, too... and frankly at 2.5 years STILL prefers mama's milk to anything else... ;)


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