
Showing posts from February, 2010

poetry fun

I've never been an 'English' person.  Math has always been my strength.  But, when it comes to poetry, I LOVE limericks.  So, when I saw this at Weebles Wobblo g, I just had to participate. I wanted to include all of you in my limericks, but that just isn't possible with the rhyme and syllabic scheme, so I wrote about 10 and picked the two I liked best.  Enjoy..and don't be offended if you weren't picked-- nothing personal, rhyme took most precedent! Missy’s a kindhearted infertile Conceiving is moving like a turtle Just relax someone said And hop into bed To them she just wanted to hurtle and  You could have knocked me down with a feather But the Stirrup Queen brought us together With lots of support From a great cohort Through tough times I better could weather Create your own , check out the rest, or just vote for me!  Either way, thanks for reading!


It's hard to know where to start.  There is a lot going on in my head and it is hard to organize, so please forgive the random thoughts. I've totally been procrastinating doing the things I need to do.  That will really come and bite me in the ass later in the week.  A big part of me is thinking of taking Friday off to catch up, but I really don't want to take any more days. Even though it probably doesn't come across often, mostly because I feel like I am always complaining, I do feel fortunate for many things in my life-- my husband and mother, especially.  They are there for me always, and take care of me like no one else could.  I am so lucky to have them in my life.  I've also made a couple of friends recently, too.  We've been going out and doing things weekly, which I think has helped my sanity, as well as giving B some space for himself.  I am also SO grateful to have all of you for support.  I don't know what I'd do without you. ...


I got these lovely socks from Michelle  at All in God's Time, and I love them!  She also put some yummy chocolates in the envelope, which was much appreciated!  They do a great job of summing up how this community has made me feel this past year- not alone, and loved.  I honestly don't know how I would have made it through 2009 without you.  You tell me that you are here for me, you listen to me, and you offer your virtual hugs.  2009 started out with the blow that B had a zero sperm count.  By the end of March, I had also been laid off and my 25 year old brother had died.  Needless to say, some of the worst months of my life.  You were there for me.  Even if you just told me that you were there, or that you agree that it sucks, it helped.  I found other blogs of people dealing with azoo, and while I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, I was glad to feel less alone in this.  Coming up this year, I am facing another layoff (got ...


My computer seems to have died.  I am on my old laptop that doesn't function very well.  It took a few hours to get a browser that would work, and now it won't let me log in to many sites (facebook, work email, google reader. etc.).  I have a friend who will hopefully be able to fix it tomorrow.  I was hoping to catch up on blogs today.  I hope to get this sorted out soon, so I can return to the world of the internet!  I have been lucky in the time I've been blogging to not receive d-bag comments.... until now.  I would be offended, if the commenter wasn't clearly ignorant and in need of a vocabulary lesson.  Also, she doesn't have a place for me to respond to her, which shows that she is chicken as well as a bitch.  Brown Eyes left me this gem on my last post.  "Wow no wonder you're almost always getting're an emotional mess. I wouldn't want you teaching my kids either." Now, my dear, ignorant, brown-eyed fool, there is a di...


I hate making decisions.  Well, I guess that is not entirely true.  When I feel strongly, I have no problem making decisions.  When I don't have a strong opinion or am unsure, I have a really hard time.  I have a lot of things coming up that I need to decide.  RE gave me the choice of having a Sonohysterogram or a Hysterosalpingogram to check my uterus and/or tubes. At first, I was thinking I'd go shg, because it doesn't involve radiation and it just seems better to put a saline solution in than dye, but the hsg will give us more information and include my tubes. If I'm going to do one of these, I'd rather be sure my tubes are clear in case we ever get to dIUI.  I don't know.  Any thoughts? My other big decision has to do with work.  I am 95% certain that I will be laid off again this year.  I am really thinking of giving up teaching all together to move to something different.  Unfortunately, this is such a crappy time to be out of a j...


I feel like I am falling behind on everything.  In fact, just typing that sentence made me think about my bills, so I just paid the electric bill due tomorrow.  I am behind in my classroom, behind asking BIL if he is really in (although he just told me that he is working on being more selfish to take care of his needs),  behind in reading and commenting on blogs... well, I guess I have been reading most but not commenting.   I hope to catch up soon.  I'm behind on my weight loss goal... I've gone up a few pounds.  There are other things that I need to do, that I just haven't.  Such a big part of me is lacking in motivation.  I really don't want to do anything.  Having FIL and BIL here while B is on a business trip is really no fun.  FIL is SO needy, I'm having a hard time.  I decided to go out with a friend tomorrow night rather than be here and deal with them.  It sucks, but my friend is single, lives by herself, and is a...


I typically don't remember my dreams, but for the last week or so, I have been remembering my dreams quite vividly.  The last few nights, they've involved me sleeping with someone other than my husband.  I don't know if it because I am getting to that fertile time of the month or what.  So strange!  It doesn't help that our potential known donor has been spending the night here often, and will continue to.  Hey D, wanna fill this cup while I get the turkey baster?   There is a large part of me that wishes we were just going to dIUI.  IVF still scares me- for many reasons.  Any dream interpreters out there?

no definite answer

We still don't have a definite answer from BIL, but he's most likely in. He started a new job and will have health insurance again next week. I asked him to get his first set of infectious disease testing from his new gp (to help save some money), when he gets one. He said sure, and asked if we wanted his drug screen from the new job. He also seemed glad that he would only have to come in to my Dr.'s office 2 times. He will be spending a lot more time with us, as he now works in the city I do, which is over an hour from where he lives and 20 minutes from us. I don't think he would be this in if he was leaning towards no. He is the person who will do anything for another person. I kinda wonder if he thinks he already said yes.  Did I miss it?