poetry fun

I've never been an 'English' person. Math has always been my strength. But, when it comes to poetry, I LOVE limericks. So, when I saw this at Weebles Wobblo g, I just had to participate. I wanted to include all of you in my limericks, but that just isn't possible with the rhyme and syllabic scheme, so I wrote about 10 and picked the two I liked best. Enjoy..and don't be offended if you weren't picked-- nothing personal, rhyme took most precedent! Missy’s a kindhearted infertile Conceiving is moving like a turtle Just relax someone said And hop into bed To them she just wanted to hurtle and You could have knocked me down with a feather But the Stirrup Queen brought us together With lots of support From a great cohort Through tough times I better could weather Create your own , check out the rest, or just vote for me! Either way, thanks for reading!